Friday, January 27, 2012

as America Crumbles

I know you see it, because I do, and it is disgusting, I know. The corruption, theft, and even treason from our fellow american politicians.  it is sad, and whats worse, they have been doing it for decades.
I have watched minute, by minute, day by day as people are thrown out of their jobs because it is cheaper for a company to go over seas to places like india, china, veitnam, and mexico because they can pay a quarter an hour and have them do the same job.  I am disgusted that the politicans have opened our borders and allow them to have free health care when the american people are left for dead, jobs while our people are tossed aside, or fired for stupid stuff, and free education while our college students suffer having to work and slave and take our loans to have a degree and have no guarantee that there will be a job waiting on them when they graduate and have to pay back the loans.
I have watched the housing bubble burst, and seen how many people have been thrown out of their houses becuase they have lost their jobs to foreign workers. granted i am not saying immigration is bad, but i am saying there are legal requirements that must be met before you can get permission to come here and work or study.  I just learned not too long ago that i may be losing my job by april, so i maybe one of the crowd.
I also watch begrudgingly as our congressmen little by little strip away our rights and shake my head when i am told to shut up and let it happen. America is my home too I love my rights as much as i love the country.  how dare you tell me to shut up! NO I WILL NOT!!!!! I know I am a conspiracy theorist and have been given hell for it in the alledged real world. but I dont care, I find it better to light a candle than to curse the dark which millions are currently doing cursing the dark.  If we continue on this path, America will fall.  If we do not look our congressmen in the eye and say no, America will fall.  If we continue to remain ignorant to what our government is doing, and refuse to see the truth because it is unpatriotic to question our politicans, then america will fall.  As a conspiracy theorist, I have seen the truth and is frightening, however I now know the truth and am free.  it is up to us to put a stop to this corporate corruption in our government, we have to stand up and say no. forget race, sexual preference, forget names, and bloodlines, and statures. because we are all one thing. American. and as americans, it is our duty to see that america is a great country again, we can and we will. its time to stand up to our politicans and say no, no matter the cost, in lives, prison time, fines, or even law suits. we must stand up and say no! please I beg you wake up and smell the rat infestation. please on my knees i beg you people of america, wake up accept the truth and not the lies of the mainstream. wake up wake up... 

Friday, January 20, 2012

women in america

Before i get started i will say this in respect to women over 35 years of age because this does not concern them. this concerns all the other women ages 18-30.
I am currently in an argument with a GIRL not a woman about men licking their monitor screen when looking at what she considers a "slut".  ok, now, i am going to make this as plain as i can because I have no other way to put it.
the rules of interacting with men.
rule 1.  if you are on a job interview, where some professional that looks great but does not show a lot of your body. (why?) because men are attracted to a woman's body. If it is showing, you get the attention.
rule 2. if you do not want the attention, you can do one of two things
          A. not go out or B. where something less revealing.
rule 3. if you want the attention then wear the skimpy outfit because believe me as a guy, I can guarartee you will get the attention.  it will be compliments like," hey baby, wanna...get outa here?" or "hey sexy let me rock your wold".  and so on and so forth. if this is an issue, see rule 2.
a little thing about dress, it sets not only your social stature, but also your moral ethics. for example, if you wear a less revealing sweat shirt and sweat pants to a party you will not get much attention from the guys because there's nothing to compliment.  now if you wear the mini skirt that shows the panties, (they better be clean) and show more cleavage than a cow, then you are stating you are single and available for a, bed rocking time. if you catch my drift.  and for those who screwed up and got knocked up, it's partially your fault because you wanted to fuck him as much as he wanted to fuck you.  and you got pregnant; and if it's a girl, dont dress her up in skimpy outfits because that's how they get attacked. 
oh and if you do rule 3 and you hate the attention, and you tell guys to piss off, you have just black listed yourself from snagging a man in that particular place.  when you walk by people will call you a fake. so girls, if you dont want the attention see rules 1-3 atop this rant.  and watch what we wear ladies because that will determine whether you lose your virginity tonight or the next.  

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Something to think about

Your assignment tonight, read the firsy amendment prepare for discussion

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My view on Immigration

unday, 09 May 2010

  • Immigration

      Immigration seems to be a very touchy subject so i wish to touch on it:

    Every country in the world has a certain process you have to go through to be allowed into the country to do what you wanna do. they have certain documents and each country is different for example, the United States has a student VISA, a Work VISA,ect, and for more permanent residential permissions the Alien registration card (green card) in order to get these you must apply for them either at a US embassy at your country or the state department website if i am not mistaken (please correct me if im wrong).
       Now there is a correct way and an incorrect way to enter this country just like there's a correct and incorrect way to change the oil in your car or make a PB&J sandwich your way.  the correct way is to APPLY FOR A VISA AND GET YOUR GREEN CARD.  and this will give you SOME rights under federal law. the GREEN CARD is like you social security card make sure you have it with you AT ALL TIMES. 
    Then there's the incorrect way. it's called SNEAKING OVER THE BORDER without authorized documents from the government. this called ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION.  with this ILLEGAL IMMIGATION, you are breaking US federal law by just walking among the american people, you have no rights under federal law except for the RIGHT TO LEAVE AND DO IT THE RIGHT WAY. the Arizona and the Alabama laws on immigration are NOT racial profiling. you bleeding hearts scream, cry, and whine racial profiling because the bulk of immigrants coming over illegally are latinos and canadians. in YOUR view if the person is any other race other than white, it is racial profiling.  all Arizona wants to do is take back the border between it and Mexico.  if illegals can just sneak over, so can the druggies that are currently running their nation, and terrorists from Al'Queda, and other people that wish our country into ruins.  so if you so wish our country into ruins then you are partly to blame for allowing illegals into our nation.  ALL ILLEGALS after getting rounded up should be deported back to mexico or where ever they are from. But we should respect that hey, they want a better life so give them an application and have them DO IT THE RIGHT WAY. I applaud Arizona and Alabama and i would like to kindly nudge and urge the rest of the country to do the same.  This is MY opinion on immigration. If you came in the right way you are a part of our rich nation and i wish you the best. if you didnt, GET THE HELL OUT!


i heard about the constant suicides of the kids that are bullied. i have a few things to say.

I was bullied in elementary school ( cure of ares and St. Cecilia) and all through high school (Glen Este and Scarlet oaks) so i can relate to those kids. but in all honesty, i didn't have to commit suicide because i knew in my heart what was true and what wasn't true about me.  the bullies in our lives are a learning experience. ok, you're being bullied and it's dragging you down. How are you going to over come it? suicide is the easiest but the least beneficial way of over coming it and learning from the experience.  we are here on Earth to learn certain things from patience, to discipline, to one of the virtues that God gave us.  The people in our lives we chose before we entered this incarnation. bullies are a common occurrence in everyone's life.  If you do not conform to their standards then you are bullied into submission.  I was called everything in the book. yes, i was called a gaywod, fag, stupid faggot, you name it.  but i know i am straight. they drag and tear you down even mentally and not just physically. i was also told i should be shot, i should kill myself, because i was different from the pack.  I shy away from stuff that others like.  for example: if bully joey jimbob says that coogi googi goo was the hottest thing since sex, i will go with starter shoes, T-shirt and a pair of jeans. when they start bullying me into getting their "style" i told them to Back off.
although the bullying was horrendous,but i had an edge;  I took martial arts all through it and know that i could mutilate those bastards anytime any day of the week should they have laid a finger on me.  It boosted my confidence in me, and taught  me that bullies just want attention and will drag you to hell to get what they want.  I am one of those kinda guys that will make friends of my enemies and enemies out of friends.
but what i wanna say was i have been bullied by those who think they are all that and a bag of chips. every one will encounter a bully in one time or another or are currently being bullied as we speak. my questions to the  bulliee are 1 do you know what's true about you? and How do you plan to overcome this bully or bullies? and what will you have learned from the experience WITHOUT COMMITTING SUICIDE?
and my message to the bullies out there is this. watch your back because this will come back and bite you on the ass.
in other words, whatch who's ass you kick because that might be the ass you kiss in the future. this may not make sense now, but if you bullied a geek that is now your boss, or potential boss, he/she might remember that day in high school when you picked on him/her, that swirly, that rumor you spread about her. so who's really on top? is it worth it to bully someone you dont know? all i will say to the bullies is: expect the unexpected.
One last word to the wise, just be yourself and don't let anyone tell you what you need or ought to do. YOU DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO AND DON'T THEM NAG YOU ON IT!!!!.  It's ok you be yourself but we as a society are under the impression that being youself will get you ridiculed, publicly humiliated, bashed by the mass media, and so on and so forth. I consider myself a geek and a scy-fi fan I love it; every bit of it; I also like designing new ideas that can help not only those in need but also friendlier to the environment. call me a geek you say it smells like loser, i say it smells like a future billionaire if i play my cards right.


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For those offended who read my bloggs

If you are offended by my bloggs or opinions I have a 3 step plan for you.
Step1: cry me a river
Step2: build a bridge
Step3: get over it! We are all entitled to our feelings and opinions!
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